Meetings and Services Updates
Thursday Noonday Prayer
Please join us for a brief (15 minutes or so) lay-led service of prayer in the Erwin Chapel every Thursday at noon. We will be especially praying for the people of New Britain and our continuing ministry among them. All are welcome to this casual encounter with the Lord and with one another. St. Mark's Thursday Noonday Prayer in the Erwin Chapel begins this Thursday, June 20.
St. Mark’s Worship and Pledge Information - Going Forward
Sunday Services at St. James, Farmington
We are now worshiping at St. James full-time.
Beginning Sunday, June 16th, St. James will begin their summer service schedule. There is one service at 9:30 a.m. This service will be available on Facebook live.
A parking tip: When approaching the church turn right just in front of the entrance.
Parking to the left (behind the church) is difficult and limited. Across the street from the front door of the church there is ample parking available on Sunday mornings.
The finances of both churches will be kept separate through the end of the year.
When you make your pledge payments, please make checks payable to St. Mark’s Church and use your St. Mark’s envelopes. You can mail your checks to the church office, our P.O. Box remains the same, and Cheryl picks up the mail on a regular basis.
You can bring your checks to the church office if you want. You may also put your check in the St. James offering plate on Sunday morning, they will get the checks to St. Mark’s. It you put your checks in the
St. James offering plate please make sure to use your St. Mark’s envelopes. We want to make sure
everyone gets correct credit for their pledge payments and we also want to make this as simple as
possible for the St. James counters.
I will continue to deposit checks once a month. If you have questions, please get in touch with me or one of the wardens. Bob Kissel
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